


cost price 成本价

factory price, manufacturer's price 出厂价

net price 净价,实价

price free on board 船上交货价

purchase price 买价,进货价格

sale price 卖价,销售价格

wholesale price 批发价

retAil price 零售价

fixed price 固定价格

guaranteed price 保证价格

cash price 现贷价格,现金价格

market price 市场价

preferential price 优惠价

piece price, unit price 单位价格,单价

price control 物价管制,价格控制

maximum price, ceiling price 最高价

minimum price 最低价

prime cost, first cost, first price, initial cost, initial price 最初成本

price freeze 价格冻结

price fixing 限价,限定价格

price index 物价指数

price fall 价格下降

rise in price 价格上涨

on a lump-sum basis 一次(整笔)总付的方法

Material Requirement Planning: 物料需求计划

VPO --- Vendor Purchase Order: 供货商采购订单

MAWB --- Master Air Waybill: 空运主提单

HAWB --- House Air Way bill: 小提单

B / L --- Bill of Loading: 海运提单

Consignee: 收货者

ETD --- Estimated to Departure: 预计出发

ETA --- Estimated to Arrival: 预计到达时间

MIN / MAX --- Minimum and Maximum: 最小量与最大量

VPO Burning: 向供货商采购货的平衡量

VMI --- Vendor Management Inventory: 供货商免费存放, 在距离客户组装地2小时车程内, 3天到2周之库存

VDPS --- Vendor Daily Planning Schedule: 供货商日生产排配

Stock Level: 库存水准

WO / PO Consumption --- Work Order / Production Order Consumption: 工令消耗

BO Replenish --- Back Order Replenish: 订单欠交补货

VMSA Burning --- Vendor Managed Stock Area Burning: 供货商管理库存平衡

Pull Back: 由后往前拉

Pipeline: 物流供应链中的库存

ERP – SAP --- Enterprise Resource Planning / System Application Product inProcess: 企业资源规划及生产应用管制操作系统

SFC --- Shop Floor Control: 现场车间管制操作系统

MOQ --- Minimum Order Quantity: 最小订购量

MSQ --- Maximum Supply Quantity: 最大供应量




策略规划总监Director,Strategic Planning
